What results can you expect?
Here are just a few of the benefits of using the LEGO® Serious Play® method with your team:
• Improve team morale.
• Get clarity on organisational priorities and direction.
• Define new corporate values.
• Identify which processes to re-engineer.
• Foster strategic thinking within your teams.
• Uncover and identify obstacles to growth.
• Discover new areas for innovation.
• Reduce employee conflict.
• Improve team engagement, communication and collaboration.
• Foster a culture of listening and knowledge sharing.
• Improve time efficiency.
• Determine new markets to explore.
• Reduce employee turnover.
• Develop the leaders of tomorrow.
• Increase the quality of work.
• Create a shared vision of what the organisation of tomorrow looks like.
• Identify areas for process improvement.
• Develop a set of action plans.
• Identify contingency plans for unforeseen situations and scenarios.
• Understand the relationship between stakeholder groups and the organisation.
Every session will conclude with a summary. We will cover what participants experienced, how they felt about the process, key insights and next steps.